Steering NEAT is a hobby project that explores evolving AI creatures that can steer.
The goal of this project was to see if, given very little information about the world around them, AI creatures could evolve ability to steer around obstacles.

The obstacles in this project are the turquoise blocks. The creatures will have to navigate from the top of the screen to the green dot in the bottom left.

What can the creatures see?
These are the inputs into the creature's neural network. Every frame, these inputs are passed through the creature's brain, and the outputs are used to steer.
- Sight Array :
This is an array of the creature's "Eyes". The values are either 0 or 1, based on whether or not something is blocking its sight.
Left EyeCenter EyeRight Eye - Angle to goal :
This is the angle to the goal from the creature, as can be seen in the drawing to the left.